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Relic Wizard $70

JDS genesis Mint-$30

Full ceramic bearing

YYF Kui- mint Organic light Yoyo $40

Iceberg- glow in the dark mint- $40

BBB Quark mini Yoyo- mint $30

Random 5 Yoyo bundle- $25

Todays Deal! Take the relic wizard and for $5 more bucks add ANY OTHER YOYO! For $75 shipped! And I’ll throw in the iPad mini and ceramic bearing!

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Take this entire bundle for $175 shipped absolutely crazy deal.

Or take the relic plus any other two yo-yos for $100 shipped!!!

Someone could have a minty relic wizard, only 30 units made in this color,
Plus an iceberg and genesis for $100!! :face_with_spiral_eyes::exploding_head:

The ceramic bearings, and the iPad are included for free with any purchase That includes the relic wizard.

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