

the places you film at make me want to move to thailand!!! Awesome video!

Astonishingly good. I mean, just… wow… the combos are already killing me, and then the sweet binds… love the binds… And to wrap it up with an incredibly mature cinematic style? Nutty. Who directs and edits the videos? They deserve big kudos as well. :slight_smile:

I adored this video! Just adored it,it’s fun to say you’re an inspiration to me!

There are some really outstanding places!

Thank you so much for the kind words! It means a lot. I “direct” and edit all of my videos. :slight_smile:

Thanks! This made my day!

Amazing. You have a fantastic eye for filmmaking.

I’ve been a big fan of all (okay, most of) the videos I’ve watched so far on YE, but my favorites are the ones where someone’s just stone cold throwing in some beautiful environments. So, ones like this, basically. Here, have a Franco:

You’ve picked up kendama too I see. ;D It seems like so many yoyoers started playing kendama recently (myself included).

Anyway, so nice. Both kendama and yoyoing were solid. The locations were fantastic. The whole video had such a happy, cool vibe. It seemed so natural.

Man, I’ve got to make another video soon… :smiley:

Coleman, if you are not sponsored yet, you need to get sponsored bro. Every single one of your videos have been completely dope. Is it just me or does anyone else notice that throwers from differnt countries are just amazing, on another level. I mean, i know a lot of americans that are dope too, but your foreign kids get it in. Thumbs up, keep it up little man!

Upon another view, I realized something.

You have incredible taste in music.

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Dude, thanks! But, I’m American. I moved to thailand three years ago. :stuck_out_tongue: haha

I honestly do expect you to be picked up by a company sooner or later, your tricks are great, and your videos get quite a number of views. Keep it up!

Oh… I See You Reppin 8D

HAHA! thanks man :slight_smile: :smiley:

Hawkeyes! Do you live in Iowa??

I can’t even express how much I love your stuff. Major inspiration to me any day. Keep it coming Coleman!

I subbed to your channel. Your tricks, atmosphere of your videos are amazing. Keep it up!

Your style is smoother than yoyos u use. (which I’m assuming are incredibly smooth)