Pick five yo-yos to demonstrate yo-yo history from 1950-2019?

Here’s my choices:

  1. Duncan Imperial wood (1954) – I figure nothing really changed on wooden yo-yos since Flores (1928) invented the string loop on a wood axle, and the Duncan was the best known and most widely disseminated wood yo-yo, so I’m going with that.

  2. Tom Kuhn No Jive 3-in-1 (1978) – the first “modern” wood yo-yo, it can be disassembled, has an easily replaceable axle, and even flipped to Butterfly. :butterfly:

  3. Tom Kuhn SB-2 (1990) – the first ball bearing all metal yo-yo with response pads (turbo disks). Shows the evolution to “wheel” geometry versus Imperial or Butterfly, too.

  4. Turbo Bumble Bee (1997) – the first mainstream plastic with ball bearing and modern-ish similar-to-silicone (cork) response pads. This model is the foundation of the last yo-yo boom in 1999, but note that it’s still narrow wheel looping geometry.

  5. Hitman (2003) – the first mainstream ball bearing, silicone response, wide and wide gap yo-yo, every yo-yo after this would follow in the footsteps of what the Hitman laid out.