Phaser/ Slasher/Laser

The Phaser is a fantastic yoyo. Really strong spin (just keeps going and going), but it has a great amount of nimbleness to it as well. I managed to snag mine brand new for around $90.00 in the closing down sale of our old UK store, and for that it was an absolute steal. Chucked a brand new gold center-trac in it to match the gold colourway. Smooth as silk, silent as a whisper. A joy to throw and one of my most used yoyos as of late, easily one of the best that I own. :slight_smile:

I think the problem is just that price tag. $210 is a lot for any yoyo, especially one that doesn’t seem to be particularly outstanding or unique (it’s just a superfly remix with a weight ring). Even somebody who likes sOMEThING yoyos might be apprehensive at dropping so much cash on a yoyo that for all they know plays a lot like one they already own.

For the price I got it for, it’s worth every penny and then some. However, I had absolutely zero interest in it when it was at full retail, and would never have picked one up if I hadn’t seen it on sale at less than half price, only THEN to discover how good it was. Therein lies the problem methinks. :-\