Pay it Forward - Throw-Yo Strings

I know what you’re thinking. A Pay it Forward thread for STRINGS? How’s that gonna work?

Well, my friend, let me explain!

This box will contain two “Control” SOLUTIONS strings. One Throw-Yo Ink, one Throw-Yo Elixir. It will also contain a colored assortment of both types, as well as some stickers and note cards.

Here’s how I see this working.

  1. You get the box, and play both “Control” strings.
  2. You take one string of your favored type (and some stickers, of course)
  3. You write your name, the date, and the type of string you took on the notecard.
  4. You wash the control strings.
  5. You send the box on to the next person.

I will continue to resupply the box by sending out more strings to whoever has the box, when needed.

You’re more than welcome to toss more goodies in the box, but please, no string.

I’ll also include a MagicYoyo V11 in the box so an actual yo-yo gets moved around with the strings. It’s damn smooth, and plays excellently with both Inks and Elixirs.

I won’t be keeping a queue. We’ll go with the standard “Whoever says ‘I’ll take it’ gets it” whenever someone is done with it.

If this is something people are interested in, I’ll start whipping up a batch of strings and get this puppy moving!


I’ll take it!

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@Hungrymushroom - I’m eager to hear how you like the strings, and which is your preferred formula!


Apologies, I’ve been very busy and haven’t been online much. I’ll write out my thoughts on the strings later tonight


Are we good to move these along?