Pay It Forward Inception

I’ll take it. :smiley:



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I’ll be next!


I recognize that Inception. :slight_smile: that is very nice of you to do. It’s a great yoyo, and I am glad I got to sell it to someone nice enough to donate it.


Ha! It’s is great for sure. Glad it’s getting a life of travel and adventure


It’s shipped out everyone!! Here we go again!




Awesome. Round 2. Here we go again. This Inception is a real beauty. I’ve come to realize of late that I really like bi-metals. This thing feels so solid. I’ll be stringing it up shortly and giving it a try. The only thing I have close is this Yoshicuda. It will be interesting to compare. Thanks again so much @Bobparty for getting this going again. Let the 2 week trial begin!! :smiley:


Glad to help!!!


Now that you mention it, it is close to the Yoshicuda. :face_with_monocle:


I’m no expert and I only have a handful of tricks to test a yo-yo with, so bear that in mind.
They are not so similar in play. The Inception feels heavier. I can’t push either one as fast as many people can, but when I go fast for me, the Yoshi is easier to move. Beyond that they both share a very similar strength where stability and smoothness are concerned. The feel of quality though, takes a sharp nod in the Inception’s direction. Every seam is so well matched and smooth. I have come to prefer the 52ish mm diameter throws for their feel in my hands, the 54mm of the Yoshi is pushing what starts to feel big to me. The Inception is larger than I like but it’s not uncomfortable. For most people this would be a normal size and quite comfortable for a throw that has corners. A Pay it Forward like this will be the only chance I get to play a quality work of art like this Inception. I’m grateful for the opportunity to give it a try. I will probably not spend the whole 2 weeks with it but I’d like to at least keep it over the weekend. I’ll probably put this back up the first of next week. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::+1:


I’m going to post a few thoughts here then I’ll put this up for grabs again.
As stated before, I don’t know a ton of tricks so my thoughts here are more a journey of discovery into the nuances that exist making yo-yos feel and play different. Since I own and mentioned the Yoshicuda earlier, I’ll use that as my comparison. Something that stood out right away to me was that the Yoshicuda seemed to have a “softer” feel in play. In time I think what I realized this to be, is just the stability created by the rim weight on the Inception. The Inception is far more difficult to knock off track. It feels rigid. It wants to stay on axis and on tilt. It gives it an incredibly stabile and solid feel to it. Now the Yoshi is no slouch in this department but the slightly less rim heaviness of the design makes it feel softer in play. I hope that makes sense. I feel a similar difference when comparing the Yoshi to my Top Deck but this solid stability is far more pronounced in the Inception. The Inception is quite comfortable in the hand for a not so rounded throw and the quality is impeccable. It makes me aware that I’ve only touched the surface of what a Bi-Metal can be. Thank you @Bobparty for getting this going again. A Pay it Forward like this is the only way I would ever get to try a high end throw like this. So now it’s time.


Heres that catch. In 2 weeks (give or take a few days) you must copy this post and send it on to someone else.

By accepting this, you are taking responsibility to pay shipping to the next person.

Lets see how long we can keep it going!
Simply be the first to say in this thread “ill take it”
I will pm you to get the addy.

Once you receive it please take a photo or video and post in this thread.

I will include a card for everyone that receives it to sign.

A pox on the one who breaks the chain!!!

Inspired by the pay it forward silenus thread.


I’ll take it!


Go ahead and PM me you address and I should be able to get this out tomorrow or Thursday. :grin::+1:


The package is in the mail. Thanks again for the fun. :smiley:


This came in the mail today. Haven’t had a lot of time with it yet but first impressions it’s Really good!


Also didn’t know it was a titanium rim! Hardly knew anything about the Yoyo and just did some quick research!

I’ll have to try this one at some point

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Dude I gotta say. I love seeing my inception making the rounds. I’m so freaking happy to see this going again