Pay it Forward | Hybrid Fulvia

So, here’s my thoughts on the Hybrid Fulvia.

This thing is awesome! I haven’t thrown a ton of bi-metals, but I did throw the pay it forward Inception and this reminds me of that. It feels very powerful, and spins forever. It’s super stable. The a-grade is super smooth. The finish is great. It does thumb grinds, finger grinds, and talon grinds great. It looks fantastic. I love the white with silver rims. I’ll pick one up eventually; right now my yo-yo budget is a little…depleted.

Thanks again @Alex for sharing, and @craZivn be sure to send me you address so I can send them along.


Sorry, just got back onboard and replied to your DM! Super excited to try another throw!


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Hey @TryCatchThrow has the Fulvia been forwarded to @craZivn?

It has!

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Great! @craZivn Please confirm when you’ve received them!

Will do!


Oh boy oh boy ohboyohboyohboy!


@Alex can i get on the list for this one? Ill probably buy my own before its my turn lol

All too quickly, my time with the Fulviae has come to a close. @Alex who’s next in the journey?


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@tigerbeatt should be up next. Please reach out to them. I believe they are international, so you may have to discuss shipping with them to make sure everything makes sense.

I didn’t know much about this thread back then. International shipping will be quite burden for everyone so I might give up this time. Sorry and thank you.

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What country are you located in? If you like we can at least check to see how much it’ll cost before deciding for sure.


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I’m in South Korea. That means shipping will be around 25-30 bucks through USPS.
Thanks for asking

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Oh, ten4. Yeah I guess the shipping would be approaching the cost of the yoyo in that case so would make sense to keep it more local. Sorry about that.

@Alex Who would the next person on the list be?


Said list is at the top. @ContentBuck is next.


Hey! They forgot to put me on the list after @safetypin!

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I’ll get to it. Life has been too busy to think about this thread


Just a quick update, the Fulviae are still in my possession. Sent a DM out to @ContentBuck earlier this week, still waiting on a reply but in the meantime the yoyos are safe here, boxed up and ready to ship as soon as I get an address!


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Thanks for the update. If you don’t hear back by Friday, just drop down the list to @bodahrevy if you don’t mind

Ten4, will do!
