Oven Cleaner = Strip

Sweet stuff!

LOL I didn’t wear gloves and I got some mild Chemical Burns.

LOL I guess some people have to learn the hard way…

Boyyyy, we warned you… :stuck_out_tongue: Hope you’re okay man, wear gloves next time…chemical burns can be seriously dangerous.

Now the burns are purple and Pus is coming out! :smiley:

I’ll lay off the yoyoing for a couple days. :wink:

We totally needed to know that ._.

Hope your good soon, sounds painful.

Yeah, I can barely bend my fingers which means I have to lay of the Yoyoing a while, which upsets me because I have a brand new werrd hour coming soon. Oh well, I always seem to bring painful injuries to myself. :-\

ಠ_ಠ Seriously, lay off with the quote trains. –mrcnja

You uhm… May want to consult with your parents next time you do this. It needs to be done in a well ventilated area with eye protection and gloves. I’ve recently became interested in doing it as well, I’ll probably give it a try when we get back from put honeymoon!

Keep a close eye on your burn man, burns can easily become infected. And if not treated right, can become pretty threatening. If it gets worse definitely check in with your doctor. Burns of any sort are not fun…

Oh no…

Neosporin? What to use?

Puss is already a sign of infection. You need to get all of it out first and then Neosporin. Do not put tap water on it because that will cause infection as well.

I did check with them they said I could do it.

I just need gloves next time.

This method works really well just wear gloves and dont stick your hand in a Full bowl of Oven cleaner like me. :-\

You stuck your bare hand in a FULL bowl of oven cleaner…? Alright, you learned your lesson. Don’t mess around with chemicals, ever. Be more cautious.

Not my whole hand, just my fingers. Ouch.

dont take my word for it, but on cuts and stuff I use Bactine. It’s like peroxide, but I hear it’s better. I’d look into it. It’s a spray.
Also, hope it clears up. Not the same thing, but I got a serious burn from a motor cycle muffler a few years ago on my calf. You still can see the scar. So I know burns are crappy to have. :’(

And one last note: ARE YOU CRAZY! Chemicals are bad for you! Even water! Water’s poison! It takes approx. 80 yrs to kill you, but it’s still poison! Tsk tsk skitrz tried to warn ya’ :slight_smile: