HI there fellow forum users, I was trying to find some information/ review on the KE but there was none on this forum. Hoping that someone that tried it would share their experience with it. Thank you
I’m disappointed that nobody has posted about the Sa or the Ke in the drink pairing thread.
It reminds me a bit of the Freshly Dirty Featherlight Canary in that it is surprisingly powerful for how little it weighs while being a full-sized design. Great for long throwing sessions but lightweight throws like this are a double edged sword – when you go back and throw a “normal” yo-yo it’s going to feel like a brick until you readjust which can be a little weird.
The Fluffy Fluffy’s pretty fun
Curious about the KE and CS61
I think the CS61 is really good. The Cerakote and Ano versions do feel different in play. The Cerakote version gives me a more relaxed feel and the Ano version rips.
Another review out there on IG from The Yoyo Connoisseur . Kind of want one.
Edit - same person as mentioned above ^^