Opinions Abound...

Samad is right PHAZZE. Now is the time if you have enough money!

I could care less. I’m not all about the BIG BUSINESS side of things. I think if people enjoy the throw’s they are buying then who cares. More and more companies are popping up and they are making quality throws.

I’m not saying Steve is wrong, I’m just saying I don’t care.

:wink: +1

Or i could invent the anti-gravity yoyo, live in a movie theater for the rest of my life and watch yoyo videos :stuck_out_tongue:
but your right im pretty unintelligent Samad :-[ i need to think before i talk and really mess something up

i didn’t mean the unintelligent part.

talkin to Samad and you

I never said you were unintelligent. I just stated that what you said was unintelligent.

well i’m stating that i’m unintelligent. end of discussion on my cranial abilities, back on topic


Like I said…

all I need now is a flying elephant…

duncan needs better QC is a nice way to sum it all up

This is a perfect example of stagnancy in a hobby. It must be human nature to love something so much and then bring it to the ground in a fiery ball of negativity. Buy what you like when its made, by whomever made it, and enjoy!

It took me about three reads to figure that out :stuck_out_tongue: but your exactly right

I think he’s wrong about Jack, I kinda like him, he’s kind of an interesting character, I like that about people!