OneDrop Side Effect

we have a Yelets. and it has a hole in the middle. I saw some pics with the center having a flat rivet. is that a side effect accessory? what doe it do? dose it change the play? or just for looks?

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Those are Lego Side Effects. They will add some center weight compared to the hollow ones

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Side effects allow you to change out the center to change up the weight of the yo-yo. The top one is a Lego side effect, you can actually attach Lego pieces in it. The bottom is the ultralight, their lightest side effect for the least center weight.

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There is a “Side Effects” page on One Drop’s website with a lot of info (not linking directly because it is also a store).

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I’ll share the link, this isn’t against the rules.


I see. But I am new. I don’t understand what center weight dose. can some one explain? thanks. there is a tick side effect that looks like you can spin it like a top but the rest looks like just different styling to me.