One Drop Yo-Yos Vanguard

It’s definitely clear ^
Love the look of this, all these budget metals are really making yo-yoing easier for people to get into, and its awesome.


great play, not my shape.

It plays like a bimetal, but at half the price! So gooood.

I want this yoyo… In asking for this yoyo for christmas!

If that’s true and not just hype, every other yoyo in its price range just became almost irrelevant.

Either way, that’s one clean looking yoyo.

I need this in my life

If this plays half as good as it looks, almost all other mid-cost range yoyos just went obsolete…when do these drop???

Just a question, was this design inspired by the all metal Revival Grant was throwing at IYYC? (he didn’t compete but he let me try it) The profile looks awfully similar to the Revival and the cup looks extremely similar to the yoyo he was throwing then.

I was just thinking this, but its probably coincidence that it looks like the revival.
Kind of like the whole shutter/brave deal, they look similar, but there is only so much you can do with yoyo design.

I know onedrop would never dare steal any designs :slight_smile:

My opinion of the yoyo? WANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNT :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Woah, you’re right.

Not at all. Hadn’t even heard of the Revival until this post. At this point any new yoyo can be found to be similar to something that came before it.

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I threw one at Nats as well, but somebody told me it would be around $80-90. This is SWEET!

I was wondering the same thing.

First in general or first One Drop?

It is the first One Drop with a flat hub.

Thanks, I was thinking first One Drop.

Releasing in 5 hours…

The lack of hype confuses me…

wish I had money to buy one.