One Drop Yo-Yos Küntosh 5000QV

yes multiple runs. but no colorway re-runs


This sounds like it’s going to be fantastic.


Will they possibly have engravings on some of them?


…and probably fancy ano…

Probably not. We are liking the cleaning bead blasted look.

I’d loooove a red one of these.

I think a half silver half red would be great! :slight_smile: (opposite halves not fade)

That would be sweet! I’m thinking this may be my next yoyo. I’d be willing to swap halves…

Thanks for the offer, however the yoyo seems a bit wide to me (as of my recent yoyo tastes at least).
Though the engraving on the first run OD made on these was beautiful, I do enjoy the very clean look of these!

I have it on very good authority, that this is a great throw.

The description is perfect, it’s like the Kuntash, but now with moar horse power!

I can confirm this. A really great yoyo!

I’m super excited for this release! I can’t wait to get one.

5000QV is such a great throw! I love the original version too.

This is one of the prototypes.

A Proto of the QV, or a Proto of the original kuntash?

Looks 5000QV to me :+1:

5000 QV proto. 5000 QV can be distinguished from the standard Küntosh by the groove cut in the yoyo right before the gap starts.

I would really like one of these eventually. I say eventually because I just bought a JT Frost and now have no yoyo money for most of the year!

Ouch :frowning: