7075 is 1,014 digits better than 6061. The numbers don’t lie.
7075 is 1,014 digits better than 6061. The numbers don’t lie.
I don’t know why, but I am STOKED for this one
Has anyone from One Drop ever actually said that? Because it sounds like something they wouldn’t say. Alloy is absolutely related to performance of a yoyo. The difference may not be as dramatic as the difference between something like aluminum and plastic, but 6061 vs 7075 can definitely perform differently.
I think I want this!
Do they actually perform differently or do companies alter specs when going from 6061 to 7075 or 7068 or ti.
Wouldn’t the only difference be durability?
They can design thinner walls with 7075/7068. If they didn’t change the design, but switched to 7075/7068, the yoyo would be heavier. Also the finish can be different. One Drop 7075 Pyramatte is more glossy, compared to their 6061.
No that’s just Matt being butthurt about… something?
Weight distribution as well.
Not for my style of play this Wizard but it looks cool, One Drop is really killing it lately, I just miss when they used to do the engravings and the splashes colourway, also wish to see from them a super performance yoyo probably they will do something mental
Now I can build a party!
—one drop wizard
—vosun rogue
—iyoyo barbarian
—thesis paladin
Someone make a warlock please bc that’s what I play in 5e.
Is that a fingerspin dimple? Can’t really tell from the pic.
On the purple it looks more flat than dimpled, but I could be wrong.
It looks like a convex axle nub to me, like a softer/rounded version of the nitro hub.
It makes sense, will does like playing with the kraken, finding out this is a will prater sig gained my interest
Kraken 20/20!
I’m excited!
Was this on Flickr or did you get one?
This is what you wanted to do with your day? Start a fight on a yoyo forum?
I’ll have you know that 7075 performs MUCH better than 6061…when it comes to pain incurred from bashing my knuckles on a bad bind.