Old School Responsive Tricks

Continuing the discussion from Fixed Axle FeHbruary! (Win a DeHcade):

After watching Duncan’s How to Be a Player Vol. 1, I was poking around and fond this other video that has a ton of clips of different tricks from 1999. Probably a bunch you’ve never heard of, and certainly a bunch that would be challenging on the responsive yoyos of the day.

SuperYO! Kickin’ Tricks


@DocPop’s washing machine looks crazy difficult. getting the yoyo out of the string loop and back in?!


Here is docpop teaching codinghorror (but with an unresponsive Ti-Vayder)


the ping tang clang at the beginning LOLOL

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If you think Washing Machine is cool, it’s an element incorporated into one of my favorite 3A tricks.

Absolutely not a trick for responsive yoyos, but I just love sharing this trick.


dude WHAT?! are those standard unresponsive yoyos in 3A or is he playing two handed 4A lol

The precision needed for those tricks is incredible. It kinda makes modern unresponsive yoyoing look like Throwing for Dummies.


I’ve never watched that video beginning to end. I’ve seen the first half or so quite a few times but not the second half. Legendary bunch of names in that video.

Any any video with a Steve Brown mohawk is definitely worth watching. :slight_smile:


Yup! That’s just two protostars. You use the same concept as in washing machine to get one of your yoyos out of the loop, and after they spin around you pop the offstring one back out and catch it in a 4A style underwhip. With modern 3A yoyos or enough skill you could probably go full washing machine and get it back on the loop, but people mostly just do a 4A style bind on it from there.

insanity, literally shaking my head over here lol

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