I’m getting back into yoyo, and I want to get a new one, and I’ve been looking at the cheat code because off the cool finger spin cup, but I need to know if it’d capable of doing more tricks in other categories too, like slacks and Gt whips. Please let me know if you have any other experience with this yoyo and I appreciate all your guy’s help.
Ok thanks, does the width make that much of a difference in combos? I’m used to a Yoyo factory Atlas, and I’m worried I won’t be able to hit Gt whips as good as usual.
If you practice with a wider yoyo, you will need to adjust your accuracy for a narrower yoyo. With practice, its not much harder. If you are doing crazy eli hops around you body, into kneck stoles and stuff, the width becomes more helpful, but still, skill can compensate for yoyo width.
I love my Speedaholics FX way more than the Cheatcode. It has the Fingerspin cup - and is an amazingly capable throw. Of all my throws, my Cheatcode (and plastic cheat code) sit quite a lot.
Cheat code is perfectly capable of doing almost any trick you throw at it if you have the skill. Can’t go wrong. If you’re worried about width you can get the plastic cheat code.