OD Downbeat?

I just watched JT Nickel’s 2014 Trick Dump and it said he was using the OD Downbeat. Is this something that should be in stores soon?

What do you mean by soon? :wink:


Zhorik Roseburg Which yoyo is that one?
Like · Reply · 1 · January 10 at 9:20pm

One Drop Yo-Yos  ;)
Unlike · 1 · January 10 at 9:27pm
Zhorik Roseburg I'm just curious, is it a benchmark?
Like · January 10 at 9:31pm
One Drop Yo-Yos Not a Benchmark. It's something we've been working on.
Like · January 10 at 9:34pm
Zhorik Roseburg NO WAY. Now I'm on hype level 11, I can't wait!! I'm guessing it'll be Nickels sig throw? 
Like · January 10 at 9:36pm
One Drop Yo-Yos Not quite. That'll be coming later down the road.
Like · January 11 at 12:11am

This is a random facebook conversation with OD concerning the throw in the picture.

i paused the jt video a few times and i like what i see.