OD 10 ball fix

Well, my 10 ball was responsive and loud, then quieter and unresponsive after I leave it alone for a week. So, i have no solution so i put a drop of thin lube in it just like everyone said not to, and it made it quieter and unresponsive!!! This might not work for everyone, but it worked for me, so if you cant find a solution, its worth a shot.

If I have a problem with a bearing this is what I do:

  1. Quick inspection of the bearing and response, check to see if the two are making contact.
  2. Drop of thin lube or if sometimes just blow it out.
  3. Doesn’t work, time to clean and relube.

I try not to clean bearings more than needed.

I understand that the terrapin bearing isn’t supposed to need any lube.

I always check for a little piece of hair, string fuzz, or other airborne gunk in the bearing or bearing seat before doing anything else. If there isn’t something, then hit it with a drop of lube. If that doesn’t work, then I drop the bearing in acetone and swirl in a plastic film canister for about 30 seconds - spin it dry on the tip of a pencil, hit it with a drop of lube, and see how it plays. If that doesn’t work I remove the shields and repeat.

A bit O.T.

Doesn’t the acetone disolve the plastic canister?

I’ve got one plastic film canister I’ve been using for more than a year that has had acetone in it just about that entire time and it hasn’t dissolved. Just to be 100% that everyone knows what I’m talking about, the canister is just a generic film canister that looks like this one:


(pic borrowed from the interwebz)

Acetone melts polystyrene not polyurethane.

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Do i have to de-shield it before cleaning?


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