Non-responsive yoyos going responsive - PLEASE HELP!

Valve oil will lube them, not clean them.

Use mineral spirits, acetone or lighter fluid to clean out any lubricants and impurities. Then lightly lube(touch a needle/pin dipped in your valve oil to a ball or two on the bearing) and you’re good to go.

I don’t have ball bearings… what do I do? sorry for the retarded questions

Yes you do.  :wink:

That little thing that spins in the center of the yoyo is a ball bearing.

Then, you do what Studio42 told you to do to the ball bearing.

Ahh, I thought you meant the ones with those tiny little spheres that I got in my YYF One

They’re one and the same :wink:

You will have to use a needle to pop off the shields then you will see the balls inside. Not sure if that video explains it, but you have to pop them off before you clean them