Do you have a sf yoyos motive you can compare it to or a sf cadence?
A long time ago I had the sf motive, and the wish is nothing like the sf motive . The wish feels a bit heavier in the hand does not accelerate nearly as well as the motive .
The wish has more stability and I would say spins longer.
The shapes are not really close , the motive is a sharp v and the wish is an h with some round curves giving it somewhat of an organic h feel.
Personally for my own tastes I would take the wish over the motive because I like long spin times and stability over fast light feeing yo-yos.
When comparing them I believe it would be more about what you personally like in a yo-yo.
Wow thanks for the comparison and I would say my motive is my favorite yoyo I have currently and I would like the wish more since the extra spin time will be nice for my tech tricks
Also I do prefer yoyos that are on the lighter side and does the wish have that feel or is it a not to light or to heavy kind of yoyo?
I would say the wish plays on the heavy side . It’s not clunky but it definitely has some mass behind it. The motive is a really hard comparison as I feel like the designs are not that similar.
The ring placement plays a factor in this and I think the rings not being placed directly on the edge of the rim and more towards the center help this yoyo make up for binds a tad bit. They were slippy out the box but now I don’t have any problems. I would say the motive may have tighter binds but it has been a minute since I threw it.
One thing to consider in regards to this yoyo is that it isn’t even 44 millimeters wide. I have recently been acquiring a lot of yoyos of varying sizes and I have noticed two main trends in terms of width. Skinnier yoyos tend to have more stability and power but are less catchable and typically heavier in feeling. For me I definitely prefer the yoyos that are wider than 45 millimeters because the gains in catchability seem much greater than the gains in stability and spin time. This is especially the case for well designed wide yoyos. I feel like they are able to achieve nearly the same stability and spin time through the use of careful weight distribution.
I also feel like tech is moving in a direction that is more about string manipulation than it is about fitting a yoyo into tight spaces making wider yoyos better for modern tech because they are easier to catch through whips and slacks.
With my preferences, I personally would not want to buy this yoyo. I understand that everyone is different but if you are used to something like the cadence or the recognition and you want to get a fancy bimetal, this might be too narrow for you.
Yeah I might look at a unparalleled nostalgia and its cheaper
Have you tried the unparalleled nostalgia or know anyone that tried one?
Dang that’s super similar
I have seen little snip bits here and there of what people think of it and it seems like it’s a fairly good yoyo. From the things that I heard, it should be a very fun bimetal with good performance.