New Forum App for iOS & Android!

Right now there isn’t really a way to build the trade feedback into the app. Will still need to visit the website in a browser to access that.

The “I finally landed it” thread in the trick forum seems to be the only one inaccessible.

Didn’t realize my screenshot had something obscuring the thread title :slight_smile:

This is cool

I wish I could take advantage of it. :smiley:

Easy as that right from my camera roll!

I’m finally going to get back on yoyoexpert now that the iPhone app is updated. Looks great

This app is pretty awesome.
My only thing is that I think I’m missing some notifications. It seems that sometimes if I get a notification on my phone through the app then I don’t get an email. Is there a setting I need to tweak?

WOO! The app is awesome! Can’t wait to see what new stuff you guys do with the site !

I just logged onto the yoyo expert IOS app today (I haven’t touched it for awhile) and I just want to say “wow” The redesign looks so nice. Great job YYE!

I don’t think so… You should always get an email notification if you choose to get one. Can you confirm that is actually happening?

If I can I’ll confirm it. It might just me missing stuff.
In fact, that’s most likely what it is.

I just got a notification on my phone about a post to the introduce yourself thread, but have not gotten an email.
It’s probably something I’ve done somewhere.
The app is great though.
Is there a way to quote a thread with it?

I can’t find the app on android. :frowning: I’ve searched it and used the link in this post.

Just found it using Tapatalk.

I just figured this out.
If you tap a post, there is a reply arrow at the top right, and it will reply with the quote.

Still trying to find out if you can thank posts from the app though.