New Delrin release from YoYoFriends! The DOVE!

Yoyofriends strives to release competition level yo-yos at every price range and now they want to expand their lineup with a more fun, enjoyable, and affordable yo-yo. The Dove!

The idea was brought up by yoyofriends team member, Owen Titus, who really enjoys the feeling and characteristics of plastic yo-yos. He encouraged them to tackle this project and the YoYoFriends design team responded with a Delrin prototype that received rave reviews!

Delrin gives a unique soft plastic feel while still being able to come close to the weight distribution achieved with aluminum. The Dove has a nice curved H-shape profile with chunky rims that round down into the aluminum fingerspin hub. They kept the weight relatively low and evenly distributed for a pleasantly nimble feel in play that you just can’t get with aluminum. It moves fast and smooth in play and responds to your slightest command with ease!


Wow that price though. I came in here ready to say something negative about delrin’s place in the market from companies that offer metals in the same price range and that definitely doesn’t apply here.

I could definitely justify buying this over the budget metals in the same range or spending the extra 15 bucks over the current popular plastics.


Also you can dye them. Big plus for delrin. No color you like? Dye that sunuvagun.


So I plan on getting one of these in the distant future, and I can’t help but thinking why didn’t they go with some more interesting colors here? They don’t even need to pick different colors exactly just different shades. I guess the white and block are fine if just a little boring, but the red and blue are probably the least attractive red and blue plastic yo-yos I’ve seen and honestly make the yo-yo look less quality than the other colors. A nice sky blue and either a darker, maroonish or brighter more vibrant red would have been beautiful.

It’s no wonder the pink sold out everywhere so quickly, it’s an attractive yo-yo but not in most of the color options.

Hopefully they’ll expand color options in future runs.


The pallette of color available for delrin is very limited, and dying it would highly increase the cost and the number of defective units.


Normally a delrin yoyo comes in Black and white, they are the easiest to do and most common. It is uncommon to have a delrin yoyo in this wide variety of colors because the cost is very high and lack of colored material. The only reason we have blue, red, green and pink is because us manufacturer just happens to have these colored delrin materials for other use. We will not expand our colorway in the future with the exception of yellow and different color hubs. We are lucky enough to offer these colorways as some people like blue and red. Having more choice is always good. I don’t see any other company offering this much delrin colorways. I personally have red and blue and they are actually my favorite colors in this run. Also pink will be restocked here very very soon.


Indeed. The two Doves I bought were red and blue. And while I would have loved a brighter blue, something more akin to aqua, I’m okay with the blue as it is.

Black, white and pink dove are restocked here.