(New CRAZY bimetal sneak peak!) Sengoku: News Thread

i do too lol but the diameter is what matters most to me. But I will be waiting patiently for the rest, this throw intrigues me

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That’s dope

very nice looking!

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It looks crazy!!..well, another yoyo to add to the “to buy” list.

A quick add on:

I usually don’t get the chance to show prototype photos this early in the process. I got special permission for this one, just because the design is so special to me.

But this yo-yo won’t be released for a while. We’re looking at around winter/Christmas.



That’s perfect! gives me ample time to save up :+1:


Update: the weight on the Bishamonten yo-yo is not 100% finalized.

But it will likely be between 67 and 68g.

Prototypes are 68g, but definitely feel lighter than that.

We can get away with a gram or two of extra weight, without it being noticeable because they yo-yo feels larger than it really is, due to the huge rims. This means the yo-yo feels less dense than it is.

And, of course, the extra grams yield power/momentum benefits.

The idea is to get the power of a 68g yo-yo, in a package that feels like 65-66g.

Kind of a fun extra aspect we’re looking at being deliberate with on the Bishamonten.


Insane. Can’t wait to get my hands on the production

am i in heaven? i think im in heaven.


Sorry…. But you are not in Heaven.

  1. No yo-yos in Heaven (cloud damage)
  2. No fishing in Heaven.
  3. No Genetically modified foods.
  4. No Amazon Prime.

Played the proto at Worlds right from Julio and it was wild!! Major power and stability! Also picked up a Shingen and it’s fantastic!!


Is fantastic to see in person. Got my silver lotus today. Exceptional piece of manufacturing!