New Colors of the Yoyofactory iQ! - Including Signature Colors for YYF Team Members: Betty, Paul, and Aldrin!

IQ_Feature copy
From YoYoFactory: Sometimes it’s best to start with a blank canvas. We have SO MUCH design heritage to draw on to produce something new, but rarely do we start a project that isn’t tightly aligned with a single player, something competitors could use and potentially pick up player editions of in the future.

The IQ is made for the clever player who can identify current trends and the requirements expected of a competitive player by the judges. It is flashy and ultimately a 100% performer. It doesn’t just play. It outplays!


So many good yoyos, so little money, this is an unfair world!


The Paul Kerbel colorway is so sick!


Amazing selection of colorways🙀

I convinced myself to pick out what I feel is the ultimate color way from that selection.

I keep changing my mind but I got it narrowed down to top 10 and will start shrinking it down asap.