New Bi-Metal Release from C3 - The GALAXY DIVER!

The latest release in the C3yoyodesign Master Galaxy series has arrived - The Galaxy Diver!

The Galaxy Diver is a bi-metal yo-yo with a 7075 Aluminum with broad Stainless Steel rings fit outside the rime. It has a shape similar to the Re:Master Galaxy with more exaggerated cuts and a really striking look!

Weighing in just over 66g, the Galaxy Diver has some serious power and spin time without feeling too heavy on the string. The widest profile distributes the weight perfectly to give it a fast maneuverable feel in play that will keep you throwing throw those long practice sessions!


Will there be some anodized divers coming in the future?


Yes in the other topic C3 said splashes, acid wash, and colors are coming later.

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love that shape😍

holy cow, YESSSSSSSS!

Wow. It sold out already??


We only had 5 for this initial release. Should have more in soon with new colors.