New arrivals from Duncan - The EXIT 8 and GTR in new colors!


The new eXit 8 is here! Designed by Takeshi Kamisato, a Duncan legend and world-renowned skill toy master!

Our focus here was to update the Exit 8 design to fit the current meta of yo-yoing. The final result is a masterpiece! It’s just undersized enough that gives you all the comfort of an undersized yo-yo, but features a bi-metal placement that gives you a unique feeling, strong spin-time and an astonishing look!

Friday 1/21 @ 8PM EST.


From Duncan: Working on the GTR, we took strong design notes from the Grasshopper GTX, but certainly weren’t afraid to stray from that path. Our goal wasn’t to make a replacement for the well-received and much-loved Grasshopper GTX design, we think everyone is satisfied with that design as-is. Instead, we sought to create a unique design that compliments the Grasshopper GTX!

We like to think the GTR is to the Grasshopper GTX what ice cream is to milkshakes: Similar, but individually delicious for unique and distinguishable reasons!

Friday 1/21 @ 8PM EST.