The idea behind the Mini Star 2 was to create a pocket sized throw that behaves and performs like any top level yo-yo on the market. This is a yo-yo that you can put through your best 3 minute freestyle and a yo-yo that will fit in your pocket with ease.
General Yo went with a bi-metal design to keep the weight low while providing maximum stability and spin time in the new Mini Star. The Mini Star 2 doesn’t have that ‘rock on a string’ feel that some compact throws get, and when you give it a throw you would never guess it was so light weight. It has the performance of a much larger yo-yo with a fast maneuverable feel in play and a pleasantly solid and stable presence on the string!
I appreciate the kind words, that rap by Left Eye mid song is just, I dunno, I love it. I asked Santa for their Crazy Sexy Cool CD in third grade, he came through and it was on ever since.
Based on the stock number people are sleeping on this one, normally i wouldnt mind but with this throw it keeps tempting me to just toss another one in the cart