So I talk about yo-yos a lot with my wife. I guess her phone listens or something, because yye is now showing up on her instagram!! She’s never searched anything yoyo related on her phone, we just talk about it often lol
Haha creepy…
Definitely a little weird lol. Our phones definitely listen to us!!
100% agree. So many times have I talked to my wife on the phone about something only to see ads for related things in the next couple days
Same on my grandmas computer. I’m pretty sure advertising goes by IP address not device specific.
Yeah the more likely explanation is shared IP address on your home wifi network. If another computer joins the same network, bam, it will get ads for whatever the other computers previously searched for / visited from that same network…
Everyone in my family gets yo-yo ads haha. It’s wonderful. My mom only says “oh that one pretty!”
I get yye ads on every site.
Kinda a positive because im seeing things i like
I’m always clicking on things I see in YYE ads.
Haha my wife, too!
But why only now all of a sudden, and not once in the last 6 months? Just curious, I didn’t even think about the ip adress
I hate the YYE ads! It’s the only advertisement I see that actually makes me want to buy something
I just heard something about phones that listen on NPR.
So did your phone…
Are you on a phone plan? It’s possible they are linked by the account in some manner.
I noticed this on shared plans, but need to confirm how it happens!
Yeah we’re both on the same account, but so are about 4 other people. As far as I know they aren’t getting any. I’m sure it’s probably the IP address as mentioned above. Just kinda funny because it just barely started happening.
Its facebook. Ive never put FB on my phone and I do not have this. My wife and cowokers DO have FB and i can trip their phones into showing them ads for anything we talk about. Screw FB.
That sounds like a fun game to me!!
This really isn’t correct…