So I just did my very first yo-yo performance for a hundred and fifty 1st and 2nd graders at my sons school. Was I amazing? Nope. Was I perfect? Nope. Was it ten heaping tons of fun and did the kids love me? Oh a big huge hippo of a yes!
I didn’t have any kind of sound system so I had to yell to be heard, my music for my freestyle at the end couldn’t be heard because it was playing on my cell phone. But you know what? My son got to introduce me in front of his whole school, and he helped some on stage too. He has reached the coolest kid in school status and it will last the rest of the year (they have summer break Monday)!
I am just so filled with a swelling of awesomeness because I know how proud Wes is to be my son right now. To see that in his eyes was the best feeling ever. Ever ever.
Ever ever ever!
Maybe it makes me a bad person, but the fact that I know his biological father could NEVER do anything like this for him, to know that its something that only I can share with my kids, makes it all the sweeter! (No worries, the bio-dad is a jerk to them) Score one for the Step-dad!
I am so looking forward to my next yo-show! Happy!
Dave the “Haverhill Yo-yo Guy”