My collection after one year of yoyoing

Yoyoing (and collecting) is a pretty expensive sport (atleast for me ::))

and add a sleipnir soon ;D ;D

LOVED THE COLLECTION…! You’re right… it is an expensive sport thats why my parents wouldn’t let me buy another yoyo until christmas… ;D.

Was that small one a Mighty Flea?


yep that small one is a mighty flea

how does it play?

It is more for fun but still plays pretty good!

That’s a pretty nice collection.

thats a cool collection
im worried that when i get a job
all my money will go to yoyo’s

Exactly… I know what you mean and how you feel… hehe!

the ultimate

Nice collection

I also like how the mighty flea sticks out so much even though it’s small ;D

Very nice collection! It is indeed very hard not to just buy another. =]

I partly chose this hobby because it was cheaper than my last hobby (bashing $600 nitro monster trucks), but I guess it’s still not as cheap as reading library books. ;D

whered u get the yoyo case

You make it by yourself, Brian. Yeah. Well there’s some at ■■■■■■■ actually.

Nice! after one year my collection was this:
Blue/black M1
Stock FHZ

what’s the polished yoyo on the end of the first row?