My 2013 Holiday Minutemen Video Contest Entry

LOL. Dude, I was going to bump it for as long as it took to get 100 views, which would be like a day or two, not three months.

But hey, now that Abby AND Zorro are ticked off, I had REALLY better cut it out…

P.S. What’s the use of saying this if I already said I would stop? LOL.

Because it may be a while before you stop.

Sorry if this sounds offensive, dude. Remember, Abby started it. :smiley: No, really, it was just kind of getting on me.

I stop bumping videos once they reach 100 views, and this one is 3 away. It isn’t like I was going to obnoxiously bump this thread for a month. I only bumped it for a week. Besides, I already said I would quit, and I meant that I would right that instant. I don’t think you understood that (even though it was pretty obvious IMO).

Sorry, man, I didn’t try to make you upset or anything. And, just so you know, I am not too good at figuring things out like that. It’s just me.

we get it guys it is just a misunderstanding. Now let’s get back to yoyoing. ;D


It’s all good. Total misunderstanding. Sorry for being a bother.

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Word. Hit the nail right on the head, LOL.

Sorry for getting on you.

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Like I said, it’s all good dude! I’m sorry too. And like mr.nightshadow said - let’s get back to yoyoing! In other words, let’s officially drop this thread - we’re both overbumping it now! LOL.