Hey guys! Hopefully you click on this and give it a watch!
I wanna see how you guy like my Diabolo style too
Do it man! I’d hate to be alone haha!
nice shirt and skills
Coolest diaboloing I’ve seen! I’ve been wanting to pick one up but don’t know what to get! I have a really old crappy one right now and I can’t do much with it. Neither can my friend who’s good with diabolos.
I likes this video so mich that I added “a begginer diablo” to my wants list.
Nice work! I cant diabolo myself. I need to learn :D.
(p.s who was the dude in the second clip waving his hand up and down? 0.o
First *Diabolo
Haha! Always makes me cringe
And For you 2 who wanna try it.
PM me! I can help you guys out with gear etc!
Anddd Shen. My sister was yelling at my step siblings xD
They’ve been sheltered and aren’t used to chores so the house is always a mess. I was done cleaning after them and so was she, so that explains that xD