I’ve had this yo-yo sitting on my desk for a couple of weeks now, but with lots of things going on I am just now getting around to posting about it.
Material: Mahogany
Diameter 55.6mm
Width: 44mm
Gap: 4mm
Weight: 66-68g (CAD estimate)
The solid body brings the weight up to a playable level, but it has a few issues. A large portion of it is center weight, which means that it does not increase angular momentum and stability as much as rim weight does. Obviously, this means that it sleeps a little shorter than similarly weighted yo-yos. It also introduced a curious issue that I had not considered before. This yo-yo is fickle about how you throw it. On a good throw it plays smoothly without any issue. On a bad throw it has an ever increasing wobble.
This development process has definitely been an interesting journey so far. I am currently working on fixing the final issues that I am having. To do that, let’s just say that I have some new raw material being shipped to me, a material that I have not worked with too much yet. Stay tuned…