Moving Sale! New throws added 9/15

Bundle the remaining three throws for $75 shipped!

Hi there! I’m moving in a week, which means it’s time to finally sell all of these throws that have been collecting dust! CONUS only, PayPal F&F if possible, and shipping is included in the price!

The Goods:

Jake Bullock Slam Dunk - Pink w/ Black Rings - $35
This Slam Dunk has been played with quite a bit, and has two black marks to prove it. Still plays great otherwise, just time to get it a new home.

One Drop Kraken - Sunfury - $35
Picked this bad boy up when I visited One Drop’s factory last November. The coolest guys around! Comes with a blank box because they were out of Kraken stickers at the time.

Circle City Hero - 2019 Worlds Edition - $30
A great playing throw that I love the aesthetics of. Unfortunately another victim of one of my watches, so it has a couple dings. Comes with original pouch!

And that’s all I’ve got! Please feel free to reach out if you’re interested or have any questions! Oh, and you can find my feedback thread here.

Thanks so much!


I think we need a follow up picture of what damage has befallen the poor watch…

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Still one of my favorite watches!

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We call that “patina”. Keep rocking it!

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One final Hail Mary bundle price chop as the move approaches: get the Slam Dunk, Kraken, AND Hero for $75 shipped! What a spectacular way to spend $75!!

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