I think it would be cool if there were some more T-shirts besides the Duncan on and the YYE ladder escape one. Like get some shirts with other companys like Yoyojam and Yoyofactory.
And bigger sizes… Fat people like to yoyo and wear clothes too
Well, if we want shirts of other companies, those companies are gonna need to make their own shirts, we can’t just make a shirt for them! ;D
But a variety of YYE Shirts would be nice ;D If i could get a shirt, i would get a Plan D Shirt or a Nuclear Test (trick) shirt
New shirts in the works.
Keep it spinning™
I wouldve gotten a CLYW shirt at bac, but they didnt have my size
Good. To me, it seems like the original ones is too white. Not the best string contrast.
I wish the YYE shirts came in 2xl
I hear ya… I need at least a 3XL…
I always wondered, what about 10 or 11 year olds like Rsmod.
Do we have any younger kids because I don’t think they’ll wear an Adult size shirt.
Haha, i’m 13 ;D
It would be nice if you put the measurements for each size of the shirt, like how wide, how long etc. for each size, so it is easier for us to choose.
Why did you just quote yourself ???. And I’m 11 and 3/4 ;D
11 here.
11 here.
Me to
Whens your B-day?

Logan:11 here.
Me to
Whens your B-day?
Jan. 16
I qouted mysself because Jay mentioned sizes… and I brought up my origonal post
My B-day is in 53 days as of June 15. August 7 if your to lazy to do the math.
Im 13
Um. This is sort of getting off-topic. The point of the age thing was to see if younger yo-yoers would wear adult sized shirts.
I’m 11 and need adult Medium.