MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

That’s what I love so much about TaW. Doesn’t always work out how you hope, but you always learn something. For me, I’m only slightly better at -1 hook, but I’ve gotten much better at Brent Stole.


My man!!!
Check out the progress you make it looks so smooth as opposed to my flailing about!!


haha don’t be fooled by the vid! In reality it was 99% flailing about…and 1% of actually landing the hooks!


I landed 3 hooks this week… countless attempts. No idea what went right on those… i don’t know squat about hooks.
I did learn the laceration and laceration bind which is cool.
And then this…i think i landed in a ninja Vanish. I’l try to repeat it one day😁


haha nice job on the Brent Stole there! :smiley:

This reverse hook is tough. That motion to get the string to whip around the finger feels so unnatural and awkward. I’m just proud that you gave it a shot. I hope you’re not too hard on yourself. Maybe you can give these hooks another go sometime down the line.

I also think it’s awesome that you discovered the laceration bind on your own :smiley:


I still don’t understand why -1 hook is so much harder. It’s the same thing. I think I’ve actually gotten much worse at it this week. I had 1 day where I was landing them, both from the trapeze and a sleeper, and now I’m lucky to land 1 in 10. :exploding_head:

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That’s definitely a Brent stole! And really good also!


@twitch77 you’re doing great with your -1 hook!!
I really can’t figure out how you guys can be consistent by starting it from a sleeper. I found it so much easier to pull the string down before toss the laceration.


hehe and I’m the opposite…It feels SO much easier from the sleeper then trying to pull it up for me.

I very much so plan on working on this one quite a bit moving forward…I really hope to one day be able to do it from a trapeze pretty consistently.


Okay guys!

Week #17 self isolation at home special.

Black hops! trick #25 the big one on the 1A trick ladder.
Been on my wishlist for a long time.


I’m really looking forward to giving this one some serious effort this week!

This one is HARD! lol…I’ve worked on this a tiny bit off and on since I jumped into yoing last summer.

But it’s also one that’s been at the top of my wish list…one of my favorite tricks is Rewind…it’s simple, fun to do and looks good.
Black Hops is kind of similar, only MUCH cooler looking!

And though I really don’t think I’ll be landing this one in a week’s time…I do think it’s a really good one to work on. The hops may not be used much in combos…but they’ll be great in helping me develop better control!

I’m really looking forward to this one!

I hope no one gets too frustrated with this one this week! It’s a toughy for sure!


I don’t think I’ll be landing this any time soon.
At least I don’t expect so.

The first bit looks relatively easier compared to the second bit.
The second bit looks a little impossible but I guess it will come after practice slowly.

Maybe we can try doing from double or nothing first and work our way up. :slight_smile:



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These tricks are like that learned them back in the day (2 months ago) with moonage. The trapeze hook is about feeling where it is on the string before you swing.

The regular hook requires making crescent shape or half moon as you swing the string up and around. Tutorial will tell you dont move your finger, but you do have to move it just a little bit towards the yoyo so the string is next to it to make the catch as the yoyo goes up in the air into it. When you watch the videos you will see them move their finger.

I learned the crescent (circular) movement when doing slack trapeze, you use the same movement you use to “catch” the yoyo with the hook as you do in slack trapeze.

People with kitty string, when the string gets much use or older, for whatever reason, it’s easier to do the hook.


Ive been putting off this trick for a while, pumped to get to it!


I’m actually getting halfway close on this one. I had a blast here this morning working on it! haha…ask me here in a few days after I’ve put a couple of hours into it and still haven’t landed though. lol :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :sweat_smile:

I love rewind for whatever reason…so I’ve been starting with a rewind up to the triple or nothing…I think it’s actually easier to do it with a rewind. Rewind is a way a lot of people learn to do a triple or nothing…and it’s also great for this trick because you’ve got more time to wrap the string around your fingers so they’re not all bunched up together.

And I’ve hopped down to a trapeze a couple of times…but it’s tough for sure! For whatever reason the hardest hop I have is going from the Double Or Nothing, down to the Trapeze And His Brother mount. I miss that one time and again!

…And I’m just now starting to get the second part. I can hop all the way up to the very last hop that lands in a Triple Or Nothing.
And again…the hardest hop for me is the opposite of the first part! haha…hopping from the Trapeze + Bro into the Double Or Nothing.

I’m not sure I’ll get this trick this week…especially on camera. And I’m guessing by the end of this week I’ll be kicking and screaming and having a fit about how horrible this trick is! haha
But for now…here today…I’m having a blast with it and I feel like I’ve made some real progress with it already!


Also…we should’ve saved this one for Easter! lol…with all the hopping going on!

Hop Hop Hop!
Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle!
Flop Flop Flop!
Shake Shake Shake!
Hop Hop Hop!!
lmfao >.<’

Because you KNOW you want more!!

Come on guys!

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That last song is actually based on a song I really enjoy. I use to dabble with harmonicas and this was one of my favorite tunes to play.
It’s called the drunken sailor…

Or a techno version:

And a bad— version:

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Black hops is dope. When I started, this trick was the first trick that i saw and thought: “Yoyoing is cool”.