MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

I suggest you to learn it from this tutorial which explain really well how to use your nth index as a fulcrum tossing the yoyo up and the string down. This way you don’t have to change the direction of the string while the yoyo is in the air.


So have any of you guys been working on this one?
I landed one on Monday…couldn’t land one Tuesday…then today I had a random period where I nailed 10’ish of them (not in a row) within a few minutes and things were feeling really good.
Then…I lost the moment and struggled and couldn’t land anymore lol.

Would love to hear from anyone else working on this one…it’s gotten pretty quiet here! I really miss having more active people with this :disappointed_relieved:


I’ve tried to land a double reverse hook, like @EOS44 did. No way, I can’t figure out where the heck he finds the momentum to make the string wrap twice around his finger.

That’s exactly how this trick feels! When you think you’re getting consistent, it just stops working.


I have yet to nail this trick, even once. I end up with a laceration into a trapeze once in a while but no hook…

Tough one this week.



Yup i either get a laceration, wicked knot… some sort of double on… and once i got the hook… always starting from a sleeper and pooping up. But i got it once.


I don’t understand how you guys get a laceration; I’ve never got any kind of laceration with a CCW whip.

Anyway, I’m the same as you guys. I get it, land a few in a row, then completely lose it. It’s weird how much harder it is than regular hook. I find it MUCH harder to aim the slack in a ccw motion.

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CcW whip? Pardon my ignorance.
Im starting with the yoyo in a fil sleeper. I can’t figure out the trapeze mount st all yet


Counter ClockWise.


It’s much harder. It feels very awkward. Another thing you can do is swing it out of the trapeze and toss it straight up; it’s easier to handle the slack and you’re still starting in a trapeze so you can still do it as a repeater… if I could actually repeat it consistently :wink:


Alright, I figured out how to do it from a trapeze; it’s not as hard as it seems—reverse hook in general is still hard, just from trapeze isn’t much harder.

To do it from the trapeze, you’re basically doing a slack trapeze. So basically, start the whip motion while in the trapeze, and just drop the yo-yo at the same time. Start with a little upward motion of both arms to give it a little loft and you can slow it down a bit. Just one motion. I kept trying to do two, and that makes it much harder.


For sure!
I think once I start getting more confident doing it by popping it up from a sleeper…that it’ll be easier to learn to do it from a trapeze…but doing it from the trapeze seems waaaaay more difficult.

I really can’t wait to start getting this trick down though…especially from the trapeze. I think it looks so awesome. I think I’d use this one a TON.

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Yeah I’ve been working on the slack trapeze these last couple of days as well.
Just like Candy Rain made me way more consistent with Magic Drops…this Reverse Hook is making me better with Slack Trapeze!

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It’s been tough but fun! I too have gone from landing 5 in a row to missing 10+ lol.

I can get them from a trapeze sometimes, but my consistency is lower. Like @ryanmcg was saying, swinging it out of trapeze and tossing it upwards like @EOS44 did in his double hook feels pretty good (and adds steez points!)


In the tutorials they say it’s easier to land this trick by pulling the yo up with your non-throwhand finger…but last night I found that for me personally, it was a lot easier to just pop the yo up from a sleeper. I was making some decent progress on it last night. Hoping to get a video up tomorrow (if I haven’t lost all the progress I was making again! haha).

Doing it from a trapeze still makes zero sense to me. I really think it’ll eventually click though after I’ve become more consistent with this.

How are you guys doing with it? Any updates? It’s a difficult one!!


No updates. Still not getting much consistency. I can hit two in a row now and then, but still feels awkward.

I did do something else cool while screwing around with rolling out of the trapeze and throwing the yo-yo straight up. I landed a Brent Stole on a falling yo-yo. I landed it a few times even. Not nearly as cool as @EOS44’s Brent on a dead flipping falling fixie, but I thought it was sweet.


Ive landed it accidentally from a sleeper twice this week. This is really a hard one… i doubt I’ll get a video attempt. But ive learned a laceration and a new bind… productive week i guess.


Some progress on this one…I’m starting to land it, but not very consistently…took me somewhere around 15 minutes to land the few in this video.

And doing it from a trapeze still makes very little sense to me…though I did hit it once…so there is hope yet! lol


Dude, that was a lot of -1 hooks in the first video. Nicely done.


lol >.<’

I was just practicing a bit more and was getting really frustrated…because I was landing the hooks, but when I unwound into a trapeze…the string was wrapped around the bearing.

Then I realized I was doing the regular Hidemasa when I was meaning to do this Reverse haha :sweat_smile:


Yeah, I haven’t been getting enough sleep either :sweat_smile:

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