I haven’t started working on the new trick yet but last week, working on ninja vanish variations I found this move which is the same as ninja vanish but you land on the string instead of in the slack. Then I found a cool trick from coleslaw_joe which started with this move, so I dedicated the last days learning his trick and making my own adaptation to it (his version is way more hard). Hope you like it.
I tried to find some cool ninja vanish combos too and have been trying to learn a reverse brent stole to ninja vanish rejection but maaaan is it a doozy!
Anyone else having trouble getting into the mount after the gyro? I keep watching the video and it all makes perfect sense to me in my head…but then in practice I’m really struggling.
I’m not sure if I’m doing the gyro wrong or what.
Not sure. I’m almost positive that I’m getting the slack around the half closest to me…but maybe I’m not. I’ll have to really try to pay attention later
I think you’re undercutting the yo-yo too forcefully, and a bit too soon. It shouldn’t be forcefully accelerated downward, just directed into the triangle with the undercut.
Oh! I think I figured out what I was doing wrong with the mount after the gyro! Not sure I can explain it in words haha…but I’m pretty sure I get it now . I’m headed out the door for a meeting, but I’ll try some things out when I get back and let you guys know .