MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

Hey guys we all ready for week #8?

Sorry I have been away from here and spending my time working on and failing at the Absurdity challenge instead of being here and running my weekly trick-a-week challenge.

I am cheating a little this week, but @twitch77 & I have something super fun lined up for everyone.

This week’s trick is “Victor Sacchelli’s Picture Slideshow”.

So this is actually the last bit of the Absurdity Challenge #1 and in my humble opinion it’s the coolest part of the whole trick whilst also being the easiest bit.

It’s the kind of trick that looks really impressive to yoyo’ers and also to non-yoyo’ers alike to look at.

So how am I cheating?
Haha, I already learnt this trick while training for the Absurdity Challenge, but it was such a cool trick that I wanted to share with everyone here.
This also means that I have 1 less trick to catch up on when I am back.
And also, it gives me a chance to make my first ever tutorial video and actually use my own tutorial for my own trick-a-week challenge. :slight_smile:

Given that the challenge is suppose to be tricks that @twitch77 & I have not learnt yet, and it’s purpose is to share how our practice session looks like to others at similar skill levels to view and follow if it suits their needs, I think this will be a rare opportunity to do so using a tutorial that I made myself.

So I reached out to @chaosgow and got his blessing to use this trick for the challenge this week and to make a tutorial so that it is easy for everyone to follow. (I couldn’t find one already made online).

A little caveat, I say it’s easy, because all the elements in here are actually simple and nothing complicated, I expect most of you to get this in like a day if you commit the time into it.
However, embarrassingly it actually took me almost 10 hours to learn this trick. (3 hours one evening, 6.5 hours straight the next day).

Don’t be alarmed though, bulk of my time, went into trying to analyse every little nuances that is happening in this trick from just one angle/point of view at super fast speed so it took a long time and a lot (LIKE A LOT!!!) of trial and error to figure out what is going on, and even when I land an element trying to validate if I have actually done that correctly.

This was the video I used to learn this :

So to spare everyone from the same pain and suffering that I went through, I broke this all down with explanations and from multiple angles, and even a zoomed in super slowmo at the end of the video so that you don’t have to spend all your time figuring this out, so this might be a super quick trick-a-week this week.

Here is the video and let me know if you have any questions :


haha no worries! I suck at them too still! I’m not even going to bother posting a vid this week. I’m going to tuck this trick away for awhile…will pick it back up in the future.

Most this week has been super busy for me and I didn’t get much practice in. Then towards the end of the week things slowed way down for me…but then I was too exhausted and lazy these last couple of days haha.

Congrats on the move!!! That’s really exciting!!


@MoonageMin im impressed you learned that off that video. That’s intense. Good job


Thanks man. It was such a long and slow progress trying to learn a trick off a non tutorial video.

Made me really value what people like @AndreBoulay, Adam Bottiglia, Mr Matio, YoyoJoe, Dylan K, etc has been doing for the convenience of the rest of us mere mortals.


Sorry Moon.
If you look on page 334 under section B5 paragraph 2 section 43 in the comprehensive rule book you’ll see that this violates the terms on the contract you signed when starting this challenge.
You are now disqualified and will no longer be able to compete in this weekly challenge.

Thank you for your contributions and I wish you luck on your future pursuits.


Thank you.

You can send my severance check via PayPal :slight_smile:


I’m so pumped for this week’s trick! This is the kind of stuff that excites me! Dense, techy string tricks!!

I think it’s awesome that we’re getting a tutorial directly from you as well! I love how your string looks like it’s legit self-lit lol…like a neon light.

I think you underestimate how slow I am! haha :stuck_out_tongue:

I wish I’d put the time into yoing that you do. It’s impressive how dedicated you are…and it shows! You’re progressing incredibly fast (and it’s been an honor and a great pleasure to be on this journey with you and to watch you soar!).

I really think this will be a good week for me! I picked the last 2 tricks…but they ended up being tricks I didn’t really enjoy working on much.
This one will be fun. I can’t wait to get this one down!

Thanks for the tutorial @MoonageMin and I can’t wait to hear of people’s progress on this one!!


Dude, without you, there wouldn’t be me.
I attribute a lot of my progress (or lack there of sometimes) to your support every step of my journey.

I have full faith you can nail this one, the tricky one is landing in the bucket but it’s a trick that actually looks a lot more difficult than it actually is so it’s a great one to learn :slight_smile:

Black light is indeed awesome!


Woo something I can already doish. This will give me a chance to catch back up.


you and me both :slight_smile:


You figure out that hook yet?


… … … …


I guess its safe to say I got the injection trick…but just barely. This weeks looks fun!


Fun and challenging! Awesome tutorial @MoonageMin! Also looks like a great way to master the trick… making tutorial might be a new hobby for you.

I watched the slomo part 20 times last night then i filmed it with my phone…if anyone wants just the slow mo part i made a link. I hope that’s ok @MoonageMin


Thanks @AKYOYOMIKE…the slowmo part is really helpful here.

I’m totally stuck at the bucket portion of the trick. I get to that part and I have no idea what I’m doing.
Maybe I’m doing something wrong before getting there?
I’m uploading a video now…but it’s taking forever! Will post it here shortly.


Man, congrats!
I couldn’t for the life of me get the string to shoot up over my hand. I got close, but never quite got there.


Hey man, I’m glad you like it.

@twitch77 got to the bucket in one evening last night and after that it looks complicated but it’s only a matter of dropping strings from thumb, then TH forefinger in order. And then out the GT from the back on to the trapeze. So he has already completed the bulk of the trick. Haha he’s making me look total noob now with his speed of completion.

If you guys like this maybe I might start doing more tutorials. :slight_smile:

Of course I don’t mind, maybe I should have done a separate upload of the slow motion so that people don’t need to keep watching or scrubbing through a 10 minute long video lol.
Let me upload a clean version now so that you can watch it in HD quality.

If you guys get stuck on any of the parts just let me know I’ll try and help you get unstuck if I can :).


haha I think I’m doing everything wrong >.<’

Can you tell with this video if I’m getting all the steps leading up to the bucket correct?


Impressive either way.


Here you go dude.
Just the slow-no bit in high definition.