MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

I’ve played plenty of polys that are as whippy as Airetics. They just don’t last for long. Speaking of, my first thin Airetic string is losing its whippiness already. I wonder if I can wash it or something to revive it a bit.


yeah, so put it in a trousers sorry pants pocket and put the pants in the wash.
comes out like 70% revived


Ok cool. I’ll do that. The colors from the string don’t bleed?


Didn’t for me. But i only tried once, and it was a neon yellow one


I’ll do it next week. Spinning is bad for string I think. I just did a vortex and unwound this Airetic almost completely. I think there were less than 10 twists total left in a pretty long string. Can’t believe the yo-yo didn’t fall out.


Dude, that looks so cool. I think I need one of those black lights. Got a rainforest link handy?

Nice combos too. You’re like the best ever at the matrix or roller coaster or whatever it’s called.


Will send you a link on PM. Forum rules :slight_smile:


I’m having a rough time getting spirit bomb down aha, havent looked at kamikaze yet tho


Day 1 of Finger Spins…and not much progress yet!
These are the best of the attempts. Most my attempts weren’t even close.
Also…upon watching these back, I think I’m trying to spin on the wrong part of my finger. I kept trying to spin on the flat of my finger…but it should be on my fingernail pretty much right?

I can haz E for effort plz?


Yeah, fingernail. Hold your hand with palm facing in, and curl your finger toward you a little. This helps soften up your finger and keeps it on just your nail.


That’s decent progress. Watch the first one again and see how different it looks from the beginning. At first every time it was bouncing off your finger or wobbling off. If you’d been using your fingernail it would have been even better.

Few things that might help. Hold the string up higher and away from the yo-yo, so it’s not touching the yo-yo or your hand; if it’s touching the yo-yo, the yo-yo will pull it around your finger, or it’ll just get tangled. Don’t worry about binding just yet, just get the feel for keeping the yo-yo stable. When you do get there, try the binds they show in the YoTricks video.


Looking good fir day one… way better then me… plus i’m impressed with your video editing. Good job brother.


Silly question for fingerspin week: is everyone using yoyos known to be good for fingerspins, or, are we trying to do it the hard way? I don’t want to cheat myself or the system.


Whatever works I guess.
Your progress is up to you.
Maybe try to do one on easier yoyos and then try again on other ones?

It’s about the journey rather than the destination. So if you want to get there faster that’s cool.
If you want to take the scenic/challenging route that’s cool too :slight_smile:

I might have mentioned that the only rule for this challenge is to have fun and the goal is to be a bit better today than you were yesterday :slight_smile:


I first learned fingerspins on a CP Pivot, which is probably the easiest inexpensive yoyo to fingerspin on. You can always work up to trickier yoyos.


To expand a bit on what @MarkD said…

Fingerspins sort of break down into 3 “tricks”:

  1. The catch
  2. Stabilizing the spin
  3. The bind

A dedicated fingerspinner with an easy to get into dimple, like the Thesis Serenade, makes it so you don’t really need to worry about number 2 on the list, and makes the catch easier, so you can really focus on the bind. Far and away the trickiest part of it all is stabilizing the spin, which depends a lot on the shape of the yoyo, so there’s something to be said for mastering the catch and bind portions first with something that really locks you in.


thank you for the breakdown. With my limited fingerspin experience, I have to agree, that stabilizing the spin is the hard part, especially on the yoyos that don’t lock in the spin. It is probably not a coincidence that the first yoyo I was able to fingerspin was the Sengoku ECRIP. I will work with my easy yoyos and then move to something with a flat hub later in the week.


what about a mighty flea🤔


For what I can say, if you’re new to fingerspins you definetly want to learn them on a finger-locking-hub yoyo. It can be extremely difficult to be consistent with throws, catch and bind even with those type of yoyos. I take the opportunity to speak about my (limited) experience with this trick with different yoyo hubs.
What follows is just my personal opinion on yoyos that I own.
From easiest to harder

  • Fingerspin Hubs (Skyva): For sure the best yoyos to learn fingerspin. As long as you keep your finger “soft” you can catch and stabilize the yoyo. The hub guides the finger in place locking it. With a good catch it spins forever.

  • Convex Hubs (EzSpin): strangely enough, once you understand the mechanics of the trick it is quite easy to lock your finger on the side of the hub, spin axe will not be vertical but slighlty oblique.

  • Spike hubs: if the flat part of the hub is small, it works similar to the convex hub, if it is big, it works like a flat hub (I suppose).

  • Flat hubs (Sync): it is nearly impossible to lock your finger, the axe of spin will be not centered with the yoyo axe (it will spin around your finger), therefore it will not spin long, however it is possible to be consistent and to bind quite easily once you handle it.

  • Large (nearly flat) Concave hub (YYF Marco): definetely the worst hub for fingerspin. The finger just does not lock in any position, there’s no chance to control the spin.

I don’t own any deep concave hub yoyos, like the Puff Adder, so I can’t say anything aboyt it.

And in general, the small the hub surface - the easiest the fingerspin

The yoyo’s finish and material also make a great difference with fingerspins and with grinds in general, metal skyva for example has delrin cups, which are superlative for grinds, the standard bead blasted finish is also good. Glossy finish are the worst in my opinion. Finally, you want to use a yoyo possibly with no hub engravings


I’ve been gone for a hot minute but I’m back and I got 2020 vision for 2020