MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

Yeah once i watched it twice i just r remember where he shows the whole trick at the end then i just watched that in slow motion a few times as i practiced… now i have it memorized just can’t actually do it yet smoothly


I feel pretty similar about yoyojoe tutorials. I love that its not just full speed -> half speed -> tutorial complete, but it can be a pain to learn as you watch.

I just want every tutorial to be like a yoyojoe and mr matio mashup lol


Dude! I thought you’re a DAD! nice videos! But you my friend blew my mind.


Thank you @cpc for that final video… i didn’t watch it the first day and i just did… you are the MAN!
Going to practice just that. I got everything wise down pretty smooth

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That last move to drop the string in front if the yoyo before the GT is killing me.
I can’t keep the mount straight, hands apart and drop the string infront… trying to use my nth index to push the string in front but everytime i lose the mount

On the other hand the first half of the trick looks super cool and smooth and i think I’m going to use that in my combos for now


What did i learn tonight… this trick is super cool because if i accidently through the slack over the wrong half i can go into Jack Slack without hesitating.


dang i feel the exact same way lol

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I feel like the roll over the nth after the flare at the beginning could be more efficient.
Why roll onto the front string to do this 2 part switch of fingers when you can achieve the same motion and output by rolling out on the back string and then back into the center mounted z shape?



I had to do the trick to understand what you meant. I assume you mean, after the “flair”, roll forward over the string around your thumb—which eliminates the whole rejection bit—and then back onto the middle string and continue as normal?

When doing the trick in one continuous motion I already eliminate the rejection by letting the roll continue far enough that it’s not sitting on the string so you can just move it out of the way. I find this easier just because I’m more comfortable rolling onto the front string rather than the back even after a bit of practice.


Seems like either way works, if you’re comfortable rolling onto the back string I’d do that. I’d film it both ways just to see which looks better… or I would if I did that sort of thing :sweat_smile:



That whole part took me a while to wrap my head around. I went back and watched the end of the tutorial quite a few times to get every last detail.

I find it helps to hold the string with your NTH the same way yo-yo Joe does. Make sure you pull the strings apart with some tension before dropping the string in front. And the last motion needs to be done with the right speed, fast but not too fast.


Ok i got one more day. Seriously i think i own every other piece of this trick. I love the first 3 elements. But that string drop kills me more then the candy rainn magic drop which im still trying to figure out.


My failure… but the first part looks very cool and is fun to do!


You’re so close @AKYOYOMIKE! Just gotta get those hand turns at the end.


Yeah i can’t seem to understand what to do…i mean i understand… just doesn’t want to happen


Man that looks great, so smooth at the beginning !

In case you’re unsure why it doesn’t work at the end:
From Camera POV, at 00:28 in your video you swing the yoyo clockwise while in the tutorial the yoyo swings counter-clockwise.

(See at 06:47 in the tutorial)

Temperatures have settled in my area so I finally have regained the will to move and I’m starting to learn this trick right now! :grin: So the tutorial video couldn’t be more fresh in my head.


Dude! Thank you!


Ok so this is the second time I’ve posted my failure and someone saw what i didn’t see. I watched the tutorial I’ve even watched my video failures and didn’t see what @stringKnot saw.
Mistakes can be subtle and very frustrating.

I encourage everyone to post thier attempted trick mishaps and see if someone can help you figure it out.
Thank you!


Does anyone else have problems with gyro flops?

I know I’m doing it correctly, but every time I try my yoyo will just not flop. I think this may be caused by how wide my yoyo is, but I’m not sure. So that prevents me from learning duck pond. I know how to do everything the yo-yo just wont do a full gyrotation (bu dum sst).


It’s the small stuff like that which always frustrates me to no end

Yep AK, you’re right, posting videos really helps! The fails might not be fun to watch, but they can be very useful tools. I should start doing the same…I just have to get past the whole “feeling embarrassed” (perhaps not the correct word) state of mind.


Have you tried practicing regular gyro flops from a plastic whip?
Personally during duck pond if I find the yoyo is not rotating I’ll just increase the strength with my fingers until it does and try to make the string slightly out of plane to create friction with the yoyo.