MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

Great video! :grin:
About your snap bind + regen, it reminds me of a comment I’ve seen recently which sounds really interesting.

As for the other part of your video and doing all TaW in-between regens, I agree that would be insane!
Regens are kicking my butt, and there’s no way I could do all the TaW tricks lol! (I’ve also slacked heavily on learning old TaW and am still on week #9, I just spend most of my yoyo time trying out combos or new tricks lately :sweat_smile:)

Quick tip for regens: Using a half-swap helps a lot.
As you regen, if the colors didn’t switch, it means you changed spin direction. If they did switch, it means you did a loop-style regen and remained in the same direction.