This falls under the wide category but the Duncan evolve is awesome!
I’ll recommend a few that are different from the Recog, so more in the “fun” category, but still good performers.
OD Sugar Glider - one of my all time favorites that’s pretty available and relatively inexpensive. It’s fun and playful and the mid wall is great for snappy binds and regens. Plays kinda like the iconic Summit but with more pizazz.
CLYW Avalanche - an ultimate chill and flowy yoyo. Doesn’t play slow, but encourages you to slow down a little bit and just vibe. CLYW did a recent rerelease so it shouldn’t be too hard to pick one up on the BST.
UNPRLD Hash - similar in play to the Sugar Glider but just a hair lighter and possibly better performing. Weight distribution and mid wall make it excel at regens. I personally love the shape and aesthetics, too. @Kalic00 , this is also becoming one of my go-to’s.
Thank you everyone for all the suggestions! I got some thinking to do and I am the most indecisive person ever. Its been cool to hear an up to date version of everyone’s opinions since last time I asked. Pretty much every suggestion I could see myself liking. Canopy, Load out, Next Journey, and Hash are some of the few standing out in my mind. I think I’d like something more different than the monometals I have now like @hsb suggested. I’m always trying to add more variety to my collection. I appreciate everyone’s help and I will keep you all posted with what I end up with and might have some more questions! Thanks again!