Are there any really cool mods i could do to any of the following? YYF Protoge, YYJ Mini Motu, YYJ Hitman, Alchemy CUlater, Alchemy Nimbus. They dont have to be cool, it is just preferred. kthxbai.
I don’t knopw of anything that really classifies as a mod, however why mess with some of those epic throws anyhow?
because i have free access to any of them anytime, so i might as well figure out a way to coolify them.
You could do any mod to any yoyo. And what do you mean by this “coolify”? Aren’t they already “cool” enough?
U can stack the nimbus. Stack the protege. Rim satin the Yyjs.
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I would personally leave them all alone
Stick an ice-cube on them.
Month old thread dude.
you can stack the YYJ’s too.
I didn’t notice that.