Mock 50+ Thread

DO NOT POST HERE!! This is just a mock thread for the 50+ Club.

Welcome to the 50+ Club of YYE. The group is comprised of accepted members who all have combined YYE and YYN feedback of 50+. These members will engage in temporary trades, gift exchanges, or other projects as a group. The members are as follows:

General Members:

TotalArtist (68)
Dingo54 (56)
Fellavader (96)
Mgiroux77 (103)
Coffelt (51)
Mikeeff (86)
Stickman (52)

Temp Traders:

TotalArtist (68) - Supra, MMN, Entheos
Dingo54 (56)
Stickman (52)

Members have posted their banked yo-yos for temporary trades, along with the throws’ status, and have also linked to their general BST threads below. If you are a club member ONLY, PM the member to arrange trades.

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TotalArtist’s Temporary Trades:

Spyy Supra, Traded to Dingo54 on April 29th, due back in a week
Supra by The TotalArtist, on Flickr
Suprab by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

Markmont Next, Available
MMNnickel by The TotalArtist, on Flickr
MMNnickelb by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

General Yo Entheos, Available
Entheosyellow by The TotalArtist, on Flickr
entheosyellowb by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

If someone has a Dark Magic II, I’d like to try one.  I’m thinking of buying one, but want to be sure how it plays.  I’d borrow yours and return within 3 days.

Here’s my general BST thread:

What I have in the bank: (Remember its just an example thread)

Flyer Imgur: The magic of the Internet (Gone for supra until 3/6)

Aa7 Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Dark Sonic Imgur: The magic of the Internet

What? I don’t count? :wink: