@MarkD @Glenacius_K, I’ve been enjoying playing with my RBC today. I know that Glen has decided to take a break from making yo-yos aaaaaand this might be off brand for Kyle (@Chainsawctopus), buuuut have you guys considered making an aluminum KNack as a follow up to the RBC? I know that you prototyped an open cup harbinger that didn’t end up going further, but I think that a hollow KNack would be pretty neat and popular.
My other unsolicited suggestions include making it a bit larger than the RBC, trying for a weight around 52-54g perhaps, and also maybe including a MR85-sized bearing blank for true fixed axle play (there, that might tickle Kyle’s fancy!) - I’d actually also be interested in a bearing blank for the RBC!
Anywho, hope you guys are having a nice weekend!
RBC. Red. Black. Clear. What a lineup…. That feels intentional?
I really dont need a second second (sold my first second lol), but damn it that black is soooo tempting
@MarkD , from reading the description, it sounds like the blast on the black RBC is extra nice. Any details on what ya’ll did different with that one?
Lol, is it a low key Unknown edition???
I didn’t ask for a special blast, it it’s more matte than the rest, less shiny, and feels really cool.
That sounds cool.
Some production photos.
By production I mean of course that I was having fun stacking them between testing/packaging.
Honeycomb hideout.
Count the number of RBCs in the last picture and it totals to an… interesting number.
What is the obsession with placing yoyos on hard, scratchy surfaces that could very easily damage the finish? I mean, they’re cool photos, but it doesn’t seem worth the risk to me.
The risk captured your attention, didn’t it?
Like, here’s my new powder coated yoyo sitting on gritty concrete. Ain’t she purdy?
I’m sure steps were taken and some sort of unseen barrier exists between the yoyo and scratchy thing. As long as mine is freshly unscathed I’m fine with it.
The photos I took are using yoyos that won’t be for sale.
The brick is my front porch so it’s very convenient!
I wasn’t referring to your photo, just stuff we’ve all seen time to time.
65 red RBCs on the wall, 65 red RBCs? take one down, pass it around…
One of my favorite people to chat with online (about yoyos) decided to join the Mk1 team after I asked him if he wanted to join.
You’ve probably heard of national yoyo master Nathan Crissey.
His favorite Mk1 model is the Exia. He already had a bunch when he joined, and I sent him more, of course! He’s actually been on the team for a bit, but planning out an announcement sometimes takes a while, and getting a video together when you have 2 kids is tricky.
Please enjoy these pre-recorded entertainment videos!