Hoping to have mine posted soon
Got them all on video. I was really surprised at how much I’ve improved with catching the yo-yo on the back of my hand. I had so much trouble when I first started working on it.
What throw is that? It looks nice and wide for the backhand backflip.
It’s a prototype of the new Weekender from @DocPop with pull start hubs.
Oh I’m excitedly awaiting its general release!
Its a ripper
Hit my goal of landing some double sidewinders and mystic dumps today. Nearly took me the whole month
I’m so impressed by the videos. Everyone’s look so good and everything is so smooth.
I’ve about run out of time on the month for filming and editing, so here’s what I have. If I manage to land the undermount stall after the backhand backflip, I’ll try to update, but otherwise I’m going to call myself 6.5/7. I realize I make things difficult by not wanting my face in videos, but ¯\(ツ)/¯. Maybe next time I’ll go the mask and shades approach for the whole shebang.
Edit: TIL you have to escape \
on the forums…
[type or paste code here](https://youtube.com/shorts/P6-DR092AIA?feature=share)
Thanks for the fun! Take care, every one
One day more… lol f you can hit em, post em up! Odds are pretty solid at this point!
I’m not there, but I appreciate you laying out the challenge since it’s getting me to try some things I would not otherwise attempt.
Thanks to all and congrats to…
I guess it pays to be patient! DM me your address!
Ahhhhhhh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thanks @edhaponik for putting this on! It was a ton of fun and really challenged me. I learned a lot.
Congratulations! @qualitycontra Thanks again for doing this @edhaponik. It was a ton of fun learning some new tricks.
Thanks, much @rokushoo !
Thanks for putting this on!! It was a lot of fun!
Congrats to the winner, and congrats to all who managed to submit! It’s been a really fun couple months, and I’m excited to mess around even more.
Thanks for running the challenge, Ed! I enjoy doing the back hand stalls way more than I expected to.