Michael Ferdico LIVE CHAT & GIVEAWAY! - Thursday - 11/14 - 8pm ET!

Favorite CLYW yoyo (besides the Swan)? Favorite non-CLYW yoyo?

do you still have that HYPE white spot shirt from 2016? If so, does it still fit you?

What’s your biggest yo-yo pet peeve?

Do you have a least favorite string color?

What’s your favorite kind of muffin?

(I like poppy seed. :yum:)

Do you prefer Coffee or Tea?

Why am I asking these questions?:

A: Out of Curiosity

B: To Win a Giveaway

Answer: All of the Above. :wink:

(Forgot to ask a question— were you amused by this post?)

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What was your first yoyo?

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What’s your favorite yoyo based memory?

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Where do babies come from?

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Do you have a favorite trick that you think all players should learn?

Holding hands. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Hey Michael and YYE team,

Who did the beautiful artwork on the swan?

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What is your all time favorite freestyle that you have done

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Who is your biggest inspiration?

What’s your preferred Doorknob?

Keyed Entry Doorknobs? Dummy Doorknobs? or A-rt x SF Doorknobs?

Rock the Baby - Palm up or Palm down?

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Can you share what your learning process was like when you started with yoyoing, and any strategies that helped you progress faster?

Swan is the best!

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what has yoyo taught you about life?

Do you have any advice for dealing with burnout?