Metal Replay & Plastic Replay Pro

Looking for trade/buy offers for my two Replay Yo-Yo’s from the Japan Mystery box. As you may know, the Metal replay is red and the Plastic rare Replay Pro is like a silver clear color.

I opened them both yesterday and played with them for a while so they’re still brand new sort to speak.

Again, just looking to see what offers I can get. If you have any other questions feel free to ask me here or PM me.

Please observe our one bump/day rule.
This includes the initial post.


how much u want for the Metal Replay

I’m trying to find out if anyone is willing to trade for anything else before I decide to try and sell it. If anything I’ll message you directly to see if you’re still interested.

Pics are no longer required in BST posts

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I won’t do business with anyone who doesn’t show me pictures on principle. I think that anyone who does is quite foolish.

Here are some pictures of the Yo-Yos!2257&authkey=!AG5u-Ieni_zcsvM&ithint=folder%2C

Look at the last post for pics.

Look at last post for pics.