Had a ton of fun chopping this session down from 40 mins to 10 mins. This is my first full length clip video of my own content since the OneDrop Terrarian video (shoutout to Paul Dang) so def excited to finally drop this. Thanks for the continued support and hope y’all enjoy
Dude this was awesome!
Thanks a ton man I appreciate that.
Very nice! Love watching your posts and stories on instagram
Markmont for president. Definitely one of my main influences right now.
Same here - the way he just flows and freestyles everything he does is so awesome. I hope I have even a fraction of this dude’s talent one day.
Bleep! You’re so BLEEPING smooth! Very fluid. I really like the instrumentals.
Very nice!
Chuckles* Lol thanks man
One of my favorite runs from the whole session. @ohbliv is ‘nasty’ on the beats and generally has a good amount of track elements to juggle between while still keeping an open/spacious arrangement. That space plus the more laid back tempo really let me get ‘into’ the pocket (that drum pattern is just vicious). When you lean hard into what feels good while your jamming, combined with prioritizing the music as your ‘guide’, the results can def surprise you - even when it’s just using simple elements. What music you use can have a drastic impact on your style and element choices, so def make sure to try a variety of dif jams to see the full range of your own style
So dope. Great video!
This run select I recall paying attention to the hihat and snare. They created a nice pseudo pacing stutter that contrasted nicely against the more upbeat kick roll. It’s always very interesting to see just how ‘much’ can change in your combo structuring when you focus on different parts of your music (@ohbliv in the beats). In many instances, especially in public performances, how you syncopate to your music can be more important than the actual combo itself. Get into the GUTS of your music and see what happens
Fully Freestyle. This is really very cool. Thank you for the video and explanations.
Mmuucchhh thanks good sir